Mar 25, 2011




Good Kush

Tibetan mastiff

Last week, a Chinese coal baron paid a record  $1.5 million for an 11-month old red Tibetan mastiff named BIG SPLASH, or Hong Dong in Chinese.

Tibetans believe mastiffs have the souls of departed monks and nuns who didn’t qualify for entry into heaven or reincarnation.

While Big Splash’s buyer may believe 10 million Chinese yuan is a small price to pay for a shot at the Big House in the Sky, it sure sounds like a lot of money, even for a working dog. (Don’t tell my dachshund Greta I said that.)

Big Splash will be kept in the style to which he is accustomed, with a menu of Chinese delicacies, including sea cucumber and abalone, to supplement his kibble.

This dude looks like a big orange BEAR!

Ralph Lauren Car Collection

1958 Ferrari TR

1938 Bugatti 57S Atlantic

These amazing pieces of mechanical art will be displayed in Paris, France