Apr 28, 2010

2010 : $100

   Once again our beloved nation is setting up to release a new hundy. The prototype was revealed today Wednesday April 28th 2010. Not to sure when the exact release is, but my guess is to get acquainted with the new merchandise. This is the first major redesign of the bill since 1996 and plenty of new security features have been added, to bad for the counterfeiters. You'll notice that Benjamin Franklin is no longer held in an oval. His portrait sits out over the left-center portion of the bill. The new note features raised intaglio printing on the left shoulder of his portrait, to make it feel rough to the touch. Also, look for micro-printing of the words "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" on Ben's collar. The last major change in the new bill is on the back, where a very huge 100 appears sideways on the right back side. The enlarged size is meant to help the visually impaired easily recognize the bill. I'm sure they wont miss it, thank you United States Treasury.

Apr 27, 2010


"It's not often enough just to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. Just the feeling that passes between you both. You're not alone."

Day by Day

   The road ahead is long, bumpy and narrow. The obstacles are steep and somewhat scary, what will you do? Back down, run scared, or stand your ground, Pretty much you gotta do what you gotta DO! Don't be afraid of life changing situations stick it out and you will reap the benefits. Just some words of encouragement.

one love

Apr 24, 2010

Better Late than Never

  Sooooo, I have been away for a little minute. Getting into my share of trouble with this and that, really not my intention, but sometimes time takes its tole on your life. There are things that seem to slip through your grip and your conscious unwillingly pushes you in a miss direction that ultimately no one wishes to have taken. Apologize' are at hand, to those who have been wronged by my mistakes; "I am truly sorry for my wrong doing, read my words from this now and on I have changed." So I am back, rejuvenated and ready to move forward. I say rejuvenated to show that in many ways I am young and willing to learn new things. I feel as if i've been given another chance. Maybe one to many chances but who is to say how many times you get to try? "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never lived" ALBERT EINSTEIN.  My new goal in life... Strive to be the Chief of the kitchen, Top 3 in the class. Im on a good road with no pot holes. Maybe some pot though. =)

 "Carpe Diem" - Seize the Day.  

one love