Apr 24, 2010

Better Late than Never

  Sooooo, I have been away for a little minute. Getting into my share of trouble with this and that, really not my intention, but sometimes time takes its tole on your life. There are things that seem to slip through your grip and your conscious unwillingly pushes you in a miss direction that ultimately no one wishes to have taken. Apologize' are at hand, to those who have been wronged by my mistakes; "I am truly sorry for my wrong doing, read my words from this now and on I have changed." So I am back, rejuvenated and ready to move forward. I say rejuvenated to show that in many ways I am young and willing to learn new things. I feel as if i've been given another chance. Maybe one to many chances but who is to say how many times you get to try? "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never lived" ALBERT EINSTEIN.  My new goal in life... Strive to be the Chief of the kitchen, Top 3 in the class. Im on a good road with no pot holes. Maybe some pot though. =)

 "Carpe Diem" - Seize the Day.  

one love

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