Jul 14, 2010


So it has come to the time of my one-hundredth post. It's amazing how things go such along way. For me this is something special, something epic, i've been waiting and thinking of what to post up for a couple weeks now and it came to me today. WORDS! Thats all i need, all along my main objective with this whole thing was to inform in a way almost to entertain. Maybe it doesn't make sense but to me this is my way of opening up, letting loose, doing or saying things out of my own character. Today will mark a big date in my mind, 100 posts is more than i expected to keep up. Yes, some were off the wall & so far apart that i may have lost interest. But the real point is that im still on here, opening up and expressing myself like never before. I know now that love is preaches, obstacles are here for us to test our abilities & no challenge is impossible. The road has been amazing my friends, a lot has happened this 2010. I've learned that life is a very big experience, so go experience people. Get out there and do what you love to do best; no matter what it may be. If this blog has done anything, it has opened me up for you all see. Even if i am the only one ever on this earth to know that http://crk87.blogspot.com/ exists, i have still come this far. 


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