Dec 29, 2009

I Remember

   Do you remember your most memorable moment of 2009? Or were there toooo many to count.  A whole new 365 is headed towards us  with no stops along the way. The year seemed to fly by month after month, until we realized how close 2010 is.  This new year brings in the last official 365 days of the decade. So lock up your memories of the millenieums first ten years; and remember the best.


Dec 28, 2009

Something Right

    The Holiday season is coming to a slow pause as everyone scurrys about the streets before the end of 2009. December cold settles in the marrow of your bones, turning the milky substance into stiff achyness. Cured fantastically with a couple glasses of grandmas spiked eggnog. Gifts are unwrapped and even some take down decorations. January still lingers around the way, patiently expecting us. So keep your spirits high; because from my point if view. I sure am doing something right.

Dec 21, 2009



  So maybe I'm a bit late on this one, But that doesn't mean I wasn't paying attention. haha... Music is changing as is everything around us. Kid Cudi takes a good look at what some "artist" let slip by. Ratatat & MGMT! Could this young cat have gone in any better of a direction? I think not!! This track has brought a different outlook on many things for me.
"I’m On The Pursuit Of Happiness And I Know Everything That Shines Ain’t Always Gonna Be Gold I’ll Be Fine Once I Get It; I’ll Be Good." 
 Lyrics that wrap up any life situation in one big ball. It Will Be Ok, Keep Pushing On. Just my small interpretation of how you could look at his thought. It's not so easily done as its put out to be but just try hard enough. Things come unexpectedly and you never know what lies behind door number 3. Life has its turmoils, some are more unbearable than others. So stand strong; feet planted and chin up. Hold that grin, smile to what is coming ahead. You'll be ready, hold your glass high and roll some goody.

Bite Me.

[French, from German Vampir, of Slavic origin.]

Vampire ; –noun

a preternatural being, commonly believed to be a reanimated corpse, that is said to suck the blood of sleeping persons at night.
(in Eastern European folklore) a corpse, animated by an undeparted soul or demon, that periodically leaves the grave and disturbs the living, until it is exhumed and impaled or burned.
a person who preys ruthlessly upon others; extortionist.

vampiric vam·pir'ic (văm-pĭr'ĭk) or vam·pir'i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) or vam'pir'ish (-ĭshadj.

  Slaves of the night? Bloodsuckers? All I can say is, not human. Angel/Demonic even, if you prefer to believe in things of that nature. Vampires; around since the beginning of time, well damn near the beginning. The body never ages but the mind grows old. Could there actually be a pleasure of this magnitude lurking amongst us all? Maybe it is ridiculous; but I myself choose to believe so, it may be hard to keep relationships I'm sure. Where as us humans have the hardest time anyway so what could be the problem? haha. Smothering something you wish so bad that you could have, and then its gone. A feeling oh so familiar; not to say it's a bad thing but it is a flaw. Like any normal human being I do posses those. All in all the main idea was wouldn't it be something to live for hundreds of years, have the coolest teeth and most of all the sickest swag I must say. 


Dec 19, 2009

Soulage ton coeur, Soulage ton ame

   When you miss something, is it because you weren't paying attention? Or does that image in you head travel with you wherever your eyes may wander? A question I am oh so looking forward to answer. "Your heart works as the strongest muscle in your body. It pumps every breath, feels every touch." A friend once told me that breaks are invaluable and time is of the essence. Simply said and never will be forgotten; I sometimes wish I knew several different languages. To hear how a thought might sound or feel how a feeling is felt, even endeavor how good a kiss might taste in that language, which ever i would speak. I seem to make up all these thoughts in the deep corners of my oval brain. Where else would this be coming from? Despite the low volume level sounds of a very rare french dub. Even set aside the thick clouds of smoke from this gnarly indica filling my lung capacity. I must say i have yet to find the hiding place of these words. All that comes to me now, is that i do miss. i miss. If it even is a true feeling.


Dec 18, 2009

Sun, Moon, and Stars.

   Nothing more relaxing then maryjane. Living what lucky individuals like myself can call, Cali Life...Enjoy


    A day of morning freshness from the 2 a.m. romp about, which i might add will put a dent in sleeping. Sunlight of 80 degrees or so and nothing but crystal blue skies. Can the day start off with a bang??  It sure does feel like brand new. The clouds are kind of thick puffy looking maybe full of rain to shower miss Mary soon enough My amusement of the finer things is keeping me away. So take note of this day, record it in a notebook or file it as a document. Today feels good. A friend has just finished the college semester and now let me explain this.. a smoking break is well at hand. So excuse my french but i am out. Get Fucking High!

Dec 16, 2009

How About Us


     I seem to bottle my emotions and linger on ones own sympathy or selfishness. One of the two. Do I pity the fool of conciseness, Love at  my any moment or be fooled. Enjoy the happy thoughts and you will fly;  All words thats Muster in the brain cells of a sane but deranged individual. Don't let your eyes be fooled by the wittiness of a Smile or  let your ears be trickled by the visions of a word. Take the timeless measure of every breath and embrace her kiss with a heartbeat, because if there's something you gotta know... Be yourself, that's the one thing she really wants. That first impression, yes; I know you remember that silly cuteness. Find that shit.. Because that right there is the key my friends. If you were smart, you would think really, really hard and vision what her expression was the first time you met. Now take that; take that and use it Gentlemen, if not you will be missing out on a good thing. I am not saying things are perfect and she will jump in your lap...Buuut, She can be the one you can't live without.  Maybe that smile you wake up to in the morning, or the warmth you feel on a oh so special night.  DO NOT; I repeat Do Not take what this good life brings you for granted. It could vanish to the wind like a whisper or that smoke you thirst so much.., trust me it could be gone.. so fellas if you know what i mean.. handle your business, Smell the pedals take that flower and keep her in cool water with sunlight of Gods. She will forever be grateful.  "Love Her"

Something so easy... why do you make it hard to do.?

Dwell upon thoughts, don't get caught in the web.

                                                                 Catch her if you Can.

Dec 15, 2009


                                                                   Lets GO!!


Us Versus Them X Crooks & Castles ~ Rise Up from DIGITAL X on Vimeo.

Killing December

Crooks & Castles unleashes their Holiday 2009 Collection “Strange Wilderness”. With most brands that have been labelled “streetwear” over the years, C.n.C this season has shown a markedly more mature approach with heavy mixes of classic workwear and hunting inspired garments. The brand keeps a healthy dose of it’s prominent logo applications, though the look is approached from a very collegiate angle. *i Love College*.... Outerwear and button down shirts are  the highlights of this holiday approach, while items such as Sherpa lined ear flap New Eras are just gonna take over the game.
Have a look at the full Crooks & Castles Holiday 2009 Look Book..

Stay fitted my friends.

Dec 14, 2009


Things CHANGE. do you CARE?? do you FEEL? its alright..

"And it’s alright
Cause it’s over
I don’t care about you
With your books and
Your stories
Everything you do"


            Has it come to the conclusion of it never happening again, like indefinitely..?? You find yourself in a position of remorse or resentment. A feeling that eats the lining if your stomach like termites in a rotted tree. What is there to do with nothing there, push, shove, scream. Yet no change; seems as if nothing helps. Not the hugs or the kisses not even a budge. Mistakes happen and deserve punishment; but is shunning another away the answer to her problems??

                                                           "I started getting anxious as the weekends approached, every weekend. They were all close family friend you know. She came every weekend. Ever since she had hit puberty she had started making me suffer the consequences. She was younger than me. I had no clue as to what kind of insane pleasure being touched all over by someone who loathed it. But then, how would she know? Her eyes were always shut... perhaps, she used to imagine someone else." 

 Time is yet to tell where it will all end up, and the big fucking question is..... can you handle the road ahead?? 

Dec 10, 2009

i Agree

The love of mine suggested i take a good look at ms Cassie's new hair do. And i must say "Still a Dime!"

Dec 7, 2009


Vampires...Cloud 3x3




    The Road..    

 To The Beach...The END....


                 Even though life seems to push on the gas pedal, speed up and leave you behind. Please don't be afraid, LIFE is at your command, it seeps within our fingertips. Keep a steady pace; Cook it slow and don't burn it. Live as if everyday were the same and in the end you will realize what you have accomplished. Nothing is easy so take a humble look upon words of wisdom. If you love what you are doing; LIFE just seems that more interesting and everyday you can wake up, take in that breath of fresh air...Live "Thats all i Have"