Dec 16, 2009

How About Us


     I seem to bottle my emotions and linger on ones own sympathy or selfishness. One of the two. Do I pity the fool of conciseness, Love at  my any moment or be fooled. Enjoy the happy thoughts and you will fly;  All words thats Muster in the brain cells of a sane but deranged individual. Don't let your eyes be fooled by the wittiness of a Smile or  let your ears be trickled by the visions of a word. Take the timeless measure of every breath and embrace her kiss with a heartbeat, because if there's something you gotta know... Be yourself, that's the one thing she really wants. That first impression, yes; I know you remember that silly cuteness. Find that shit.. Because that right there is the key my friends. If you were smart, you would think really, really hard and vision what her expression was the first time you met. Now take that; take that and use it Gentlemen, if not you will be missing out on a good thing. I am not saying things are perfect and she will jump in your lap...Buuut, She can be the one you can't live without.  Maybe that smile you wake up to in the morning, or the warmth you feel on a oh so special night.  DO NOT; I repeat Do Not take what this good life brings you for granted. It could vanish to the wind like a whisper or that smoke you thirst so much.., trust me it could be gone.. so fellas if you know what i mean.. handle your business, Smell the pedals take that flower and keep her in cool water with sunlight of Gods. She will forever be grateful.  "Love Her"

Something so easy... why do you make it hard to do.?

Dwell upon thoughts, don't get caught in the web.

                                                                 Catch her if you Can.

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